Selected Articles and OPCs

Żuradzki, T., Malinowska, J.K. (2024). Ethno-racial categorisations for biomedical studies: the fair selection of research participants and population stratification. Synthese 204, 130.

Malinowska, J. K. (2024). Let’s talk about the ghosts in the room: the haunting language of biological differences: Haunting biology: science and indigeneity in Australia, by Emma Kowal, Durham & London, Duke University Press, 2023, Journal of Political Power, 1–7., Author’s Original Manuscript: Malinowska J.,K. (2024) Let’s talk about the ghosts in the room, Journal of Political Power

Malinowska, J. K., & Serpico, D. (2023). Epistemological Pitfalls in the Proxy Theory of Race: The Case of Genomics-Based Medicine. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science,

Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2023). Towards the multileveled and processual conceptualisation of racialised individuals in biomedical researchSynthese201 (1), 11.

Malinowska, J.K., Żuradzki T. (2023). Reductionist methodology and the ambiguity of the categories of race and ethnicity in biomedical research: an exploratory study of recent evidence. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy.

Malinowska, J. K., & Chomański, B. (2022). Health Privacy, Racialization, and the Causal Potential of Legal Regulations. The American Journal of Bioethics, 22(7), 76-78. 

Malinowska, J. K. (2022). Can I feel your pain? The biological and socio-cognitive factors shaping people’s empathy with social robots. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-15. 

Malinowska, J. K. (2021).What Does It Mean to Empathise with a Robot? Minds and Machines, 1-16.

Malinowska, J. K. (2021). Methodological and Ethical Risks Associated with the Epistemic Unification of Tribe Members. The American Journal of Bioethics, 21(10), 32-34.

Musiał, M., & Malinowska, J. K. (2021), A comparison of naturalist and antinaturalist explanations for why people consider robots animate and experience emotions towards them. Journal of Future Robot Life, (Preprint), 1-18.

Malinowska, J. K. (2020), The growing need for reliable conceptual analysis in HRI studies: The example of the term ‘Empathy’. In Culturally Sustainable Social Robotics (pp. 96-104). IOS Press.

Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2020). Non-Epistemological Values in Collaborative Research in Neuroscience: The Case of Alleged Differences Between Human Populations. AJOB Neuroscience, 11(3), 203-206. 

Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2017). The Practical Implications of the New Metaphysics of Race for a Postracial Medicine: Biomedical Research Methodology, Institutional Requirements, Patient–Physician Relations. The American Journal of Bioethics, 17(9), 61-63. 

Malinowska, J. K. (2016). Cultural neuroscience and the category of race: the case of the other-race effect. Synthese, 193(12), 3865-3887.


Malinowska, J. K. (2022). Fizykalizm i ewolucjonizm w epistemologii znaturalizowanej. Poznań. Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.

Open Access:

“The book is an in-depth study of naturalized epistemology in its two versions – physicalist and evolutionist. At the same time, it is the sole existing detailed discussion of evolutionary epistemology (as far as Polish and foreign literature is concerned). Malinowska asks about the ontological, methodological, and epistemological foundations of the positions she discusses. She argues (referring not only to philosophical discussions but also those in the field of neuroscience or genetics) that bio-cultural constructivism (a research program pursued by cultural neuroscience, among other fields) is a contemporary, interdisciplinary continuation of the evolutionary epistemology program. The book’s accessible language, clear structure and multidisciplinary nature make it an exciting read for a wide audience.”