Ongoing projects

2024   –    2026             Member of interdisciplinary research group working on the the project  “Over Their Dead Bodies: Underlying axioms and contemporary use and handling of human remains from institutional collections“, funded by the Con­structive Advanced Thinking (CAT) programme of the Net­work of European Insti­tutes of Advanced Studies (NetIAS). PI: Jonatan Kurzwelly.              

2021 – 2024      Principal Investigator in a project “Category of race in the philosophy of medicine: conceptualisation and application of the category of race in biomedical research and healthcare” National Science Centre, Sonata, no. UMO-2020/39/D/HS1/00636, Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy, Poznań, Poland.


Finished projects

2020 – 2021   Co-investigator in a project „The experimental philosophy lab: the normative implications of the identified victim bias”, National Programme for the Development of the Humanities np. 0068/NPRH4/H2b/83/2016, PI: Tomasz Żuradzki, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.

2016 – 2019      Co-investigator in a project “Intymność, technologia i powrót myślenia magicznego we wpółczesnej kulturze zachodniej” nr: 2015/19/D/HS1/00965. PI: Maciej Musiał, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

2017          Co-investigator in a project “Ofiary statystyczne, niepewność normatywna, ślepy traf: etyka a podejmowanie decyzji w sytuacjach ryzyka lub niepewności” nr: 2015/17/B/HS1/02279. PI: Tomasz Żuradzki, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.