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Pracuję na Wydziale Filozoficznym Uniwersytu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
Przedmiotem moich badań jest szeroko pojęta filozofia nauki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem filozofii medycyny, filozofii neuronauk, filozofii psychologii oraz filozofii biologii. W swoich pracach zadaję także pytania z zakresu bioetyki, epistemologii, ontologii i metodologii.
Interesuje mnie w jaki sposób przekonania bazowe dzielone przez społeczności naukowców wpływają na rozwój nauki i społeczeństwa. Obecnie pracuję nad projektem dotyczącym konceptualizacji i używania kategorii etnorasowych w medycynie.
Publikowałam w takich czasopismach, jak The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Synthese, Medicine Health Care and Philosophy, International Journal of Social Robotics, American Journal of Bioethics i Minds and Machines.
Najnowsze publikacje:
Żuradzki T. & Malinowska J. K. (2024).
Epistemological Pitfalls in the Proxy Theory of Race: The Case of Genomics-Based Medicine
Malinowska J. K. & Serpico D. (2023).
Malinowska J. K. & Żuradzki T. (2023).
Malinowska J. K. & Żuradzki T. (2023).
- from 2018 Adam Mickiewicz University (Assistant Professor)
- 2012 – 2020 School of Form, SWPS University (Didactic Position, part time)
- 2017 PhD in Philosophy
Faculty of Philosophy / Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań / Poland
Name of PhD Supervisor: Prof UAM dr hab. Piotr Przybysz - 2012 Master in Arts
Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies / Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań / Poland - 2010 Master in Philosphy
Faculty of Philosophy / Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań / Poland
- 01.2025 – 06.2025 Yehudit and Yehuda Elkana Fellowship at The New Institute / Hamburg, Germany
- 09.2017-12.2017 Chongqing Technology and Business University / China, Visiting Fellow (research and teaching)
- 2024 Stypendium Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego dla Wybitnych Młodych Naukowców, edycja 19
- 2023 Yehudit and Yehuda Elkana Fellowship for 2024/2025
- 2023 Rector’s Award for the best scientific achievement / Adam Mickiewicz University
- 2023 Scientific Excellence Initiative scholarship for the best scientific publications of young researchers / Adam Mickiewicz University
- 2022 Rector’s Award for the best scientific achievement / Adam Mickiewicz University
- 2021 Scientific Excellence Initiative scholarship for the best scientific publications of young researchers / Adam Mickiewicz University
- 2017 Award for the best professional paper in practical philosophy written by an author affiliated to a Polish university (for the paper Cultural neuroscience and the category of race: the case of the other-race effect, Synthese (2016) / Center for Ethics at the Jagiellonian University and the Polish Society for Bioethics
- 2014 Witkin-Okonji Memorial Fund Award / International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology
Projekty Badawcze
- 2024 – 2026 Co-Investigator in a project „Over Their Dead Bodies: Underlying axioms and contemporary use and handling of human remains from institutional collections”, Constructiv Advanced Thinking Programme, PI: Jonatan Kurzwelly.
- 2021 – 2024 Principal Investigator in a project “Category of race in the philosophy of medicine: conceptualisation and application of the category of race in biomedical research and healthcare” National Science Centre, Sonata, no. UMO-2020/39/D/HS1/00636, Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy, Poznań, Poland.
- 2020 – 2021 Co-investigator in a project „The experimental philosophy lab: the normative implications of the identified victim bias”, National Programme for the Development of the Humanities np. 0068/NPRH4/H2b/83/2016, PI: Tomasz Żuradzki, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
- 2016 – 2019 Co-investigator in a project „Intymność, technologia i powrót myślenia magicznego we wpółczesnej kulturze zachodniej” nr: 2015/19/D/HS1/00965. PI: Maciej Musiał, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.
- 2017 – 2017 Co-investigator in a project „Ofiary statystyczne, niepewność normatywna, ślepy traf: etyka a podejmowanie decyzji w sytuacjach ryzyka lub niepewności” nr: 2015/17/B/HS1/02279. PI: Tomasz Żuradzki, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
- Żuradzki, T., Malinowska, J.K. (2024). Ethno-racial categorisations for biomedical studies: the fair selection of research participants and population stratification. Synthese 204, 130.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2024). Let’s talk about the ghosts in the room: the haunting language of biological differences: Haunting biology: science and indigeneity in Australia, by Emma Kowal, Durham & London, Duke University Press, 2023, Journal of Political Power, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1080/2158379X.2024.2349943, Author’s Original Manuscript: Malinowska J.,K. (2024) Let’s talk about the ghosts in the room, Journal of Political Power
- Malinowska, J. K., & Serpico, D. (2023). Epistemological Pitfalls in the Proxy Theory of Race: The Case of Genomics-Based Medicine. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
- Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2023). Towards the multileveled and processual conceptualisation of racialised individuals in biomedical research. Synthese, 201(1), 11.
- Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2023). Reductionist methodology and the ambiguity of the categories of race and ethnicity in biomedical research: an exploratory study of recent evidence. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 1-14.
- Malinowska, J.K. (2022). Fizykalizm i ewolucjonizm w epistemologii znaturalizowanej. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM.
- Malinowska, J. K., & Chomański, B. (2022). Health Privacy, Racialization, and the Causal Potential of Legal Regulations. The American Journal of Bioethics, 22(7), 76-78.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2022). Can I feel your pain? The biological and socio-cognitive factors shaping people’s empathy with social robots. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-15.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2021). What Does It Mean to Empathise with a Robot? Minds and Machines, 1-16.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2021). Methodological and Ethical Risks Associated with the Epistemic Unification of Tribe Members. The American Journal of Bioethics, 21(10), 32-34.
- Musiał, M., & Malinowska, J. K. (2021). A comparison of naturalist and antinaturalist explanations for why people consider robots animate and experience emotions towards them. Journal of Future Robot Life, (Preprint), 1-18.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2020). The growing need for reliable conceptual analysis in HRI studies: The example of the term ‘Empathy’. In Culturally Sustainable Social Robotics (pp. 96-104). IOS Press.
- Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2020). Non-Epistemological Values in Collaborative Research in Neuroscience: The Case of Alleged Differences Between Human Populations. AJOB neuroscience, 11(3), 203-206.
- Malinowska, J. K., & Żuradzki, T. (2017). The Practical Implications of the New Metaphysics of Race for a Postracial Medicine: Biomedical Research Methodology, Institutional Requirements, Patient–Physician Relations. The American Journal of Bioethics, 17(9), 61-63.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2016). Cultural neuroscience and the category of race: the case of the other-race effect. Synthese, 193(12), 3865-3887.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2015). Neuronauka kulturowa a kategoria rasy: na przykładzie efektu innej rasy. Filo-Sofija, 15(29).
- Malinowska, J. K. (2014) Qualia: między odruchowością a świadomością. Poznańskie Studia z Filozofii Nauki, Red: Przybysz, P., Wydawnictwo Nauka i Innowacje, 151-186.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2014). Memetyka. Zarys koncepcji: kluczowe tezy, problemy i inspiracje. Ogólnopolskie magazyn artystyczno-naukowy Woof woof Arf arf, Wydawnictwo Akademii Sztuk Pięknych, 32-37.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2012). Aparat światoobrazu Konrada Lorenza. Neokantyzm w epistemologii ewolucyjnej. Avant Plus, 342- 354.
- Malinowska, J. K. (2011). Tunel Ego. Kilka uwag o podstawowych założeniach epistemologicznych koncepcji ‘Tunel Ego’ Thomasa Metzingera. Poznańskie Forum Kognitywistyczne. Teksty pokonferencyjne nr.6, 95-101.
Wystąpienia na Zaproszenie
- 2024 25th World Congress of Philosophy / Round Table: The Concept
of Race in Biology and Medicine: Philosophical and Social Aspects (with
Kelly Happe, Jonathan Kaplan, Phila Msimang, Davide Serpico, Charles
Roseman, Ludovica Lorusso) / August 1-8 / Rome, Italy - 2024 Workshop: Normative Kinds: Values and Classificatory
Decisions in Science and Policy-making / talk: Normative kinds and the
constant negotiation of privilege / July 1-2 / Bologna, Italy - 2024 Społeczne Konteksty Nauki, talk: Imperializm epistemiczny i kolonializm w nauce / June 20 / Wrocław, Poland
- 2024 Symposium: National Identities, Biopolitics, and Human
Diversity in Contemporary European Life Sciences / talk: Notions of
race, racialisation and racism in relation to the European East West
Health Gap / 27-28 February / Freiburg, Germany - 2023 15 June, talk for the Unit of Applied Philosophy of Science and Epistemology (Department of Philosophy) at the University of Vienna, Race, racialisation and racism in biomedical research. Vienna, Austria.
- 2023 03 April, Ethical and Philosophical Issues in Medical Imaging Journal Club. Towards the multileveled and processual conceptualisation of racialised individuals in biomedical research. (online)
- 2023 16 March, Centrum Interdyscyplinarnych Badań nad Zdrowiem i Chorobą. Race, racism and racialisation in medicine.(online)
- 2022 25 May, Research seminar, Zakładu Logiki i Kognitywistyki oraz Laboratorium Badania Działań i Poznania – Wykorzystywanie kategorii rasowych w badaniach biomedycznych. Online.
- 2022 12 April Research seminar, ZLiMN – „Konceptualizacja kategorii rasowych w badaniach biomedycznych”. Online.
- 2022 18 March Wystąpienie z okazji Tygodnia Mózgu w Białymstoku (z zaproszenia prof. Roberta Poczobuta) Uniwersyteckie Centrum Kultury, Białystok, Polska.
- 2022 7 March Wystąpienie dla Koła Studentów Filozofii UAM, cykl spotkań pt. „Co rozważamy w ukryciu?”, Online.
- 2022 19 January Wystąpienie dla Sekcji Metanauki Koła Studentów Kognitywistyki i Koła studentów Psychologii UJ, online.
- 2019 4 December, Research seminar, talk: Empathy in relations between people and social robots for Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
Inne Wystąpienia na Konferencjach
- 2024 Concepts of Race and Ethnicity in Health Care workshop,
talk: Revising Whiteness in Research on Racism and Health Inequities /
30-31 October - 2023 17th edition of the International Congress on Logic,
Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology: Science and Values
in an Uncertain World. Symposium: The Significance of Cultural
Diversity in Biomedical Science. “On the need to decolonise the concepts
of race and racism in biomedical research”, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
(24-29 July) - 2023 17th edition of the International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology: Science and Values in an Uncertain World. Symposium: The Significance of Cultural Diversity in Biomedical Science. “On the need to decolonise the concepts of race and racism in biomedical research”, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (24-29 July)
- 2023 Filozoficzne problemy badań medycznych (INCET, UJ). „Esencjalizm psychologiczny a stwierdzenia ogólne w nauce”, Kraków, Poland. (27 January)
- 2022 East European Network for Philosophy of Science. “Methodological and Epistemic Risks of Using Ethnoracial Categories as a Reference Class in Biomedical Research”, Tartu, Estonia. (17-19 August)
- 2022 British Society for the Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting. “Racializing practices without ‘races’: the case of genetic and genomic research” as a part of Symposium “On the use of racial categories in medicine across geographic and national contexts”, Exeter, Great Britain. (6-8 July)
- 2022 Philosophy meets Bioethics. “Concept of racialisation in biomedical research: a step toward the ethical and credible use of racial classifications”, Kraków, Poland. (20-21 May)
- 2021 Bordeaux Workshop on Biomedical Evidence, „The use of category of race in biomedical research”, Centre Emile Durkheim, Université de Bordeaux. (online)
- 2020 Robophilosophy – CULTURALLY SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL ROBOTICS Challenges, Methods and Solutions. “The Growing Need for Reliable Conceptual Analysis in HRI Studies: The Example of the Term ‘Empathy’”. (online)
- 2020 5th International love and sex with robots conference. “Why are we able to love and have sex with robots? A comparison of naturalist and anti-naturalist interpretations for why people view robots as animate and experience emotions towards them”. (online)
- 2020 Granice nauki – ewolucjonizm a inne problemy badawcze. „Metafizyka ewolucjonizmu a biologiczne i kulturowe a priori w epistemologii ewolucyjnej”, Wrocław, Poland.
- 2015 10. Polski Zjazd Filozoficzny. „Paradygmat ewolucjonistyczny i fizykalistyczny w epistemlogii znaturalizowanej”, Poznań, Polska.
- 2014 Post-technolgical experiences. Art-Science-Culture, “Scientific research through artistic practice”, Poznań, Polska.
- 2014 22nd International Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, “Unfamiliarity homogeneity effect? Analysis of the issue of other- race effect in the context of biocultural constructivism.”, Reims, Francja.
- 2014 7th Global Conference: Interculturalism, Meaning and Identity, “Other- Race Effect, Out- Group Homogeneity Effect ot Unfamiliarity Homogeneity Effect? Analysis of the Issue in the Contect of Biocultural Constructivism”, Praga, Czechy.
- 2013 1st International Avant Conference” Thinking with Hands, Eyes and Things”, “Biocultural constructivism: how culture becomes a structure of our brains”, Toruń, Polska.
- 2013 Kazimierz Naturalism Workshop, “Cultural neuroscience and cognition. New promises, old problems”, Kazimierz Dolny, Polska.
- 2013 I Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Filozoficzne „Aksjologie sfery publicznej”, „Kultura, biologia i poznanie. Wstęp do cultural neuroscience”, Ciążeń, Polska.
- 2013 IX Zlot Filozoficzny, „Rola uwarunkowań kulturowo-środowiskowych we współczesnej epistemologii ewolucyjnej”, Poznań, Polska.
- 2012 Technologie Przyjemności: “Tunel rzeczywistości, Tunel Ego. Współczesne spojrzenie na ‘kontrkulturowe’ intuicje dotyczące psychodelików”, Kraków, Polska.
- 2012 IX Zjazd Filozoficzny: “ Epistemologie ewolucyjno-kognitywistyczna? O związkach między epistemologią ewolucyjną a kognitywistyką”, Wisła, Polska.
- 2012 Konferencja naukowa „Po co nam konstruktywizm”: „Parę słów o mózgu, czyli jak kognitywistyka może przydać się konstruktywistom”, Poznań, Polska.
- 2012 Poznański Festiwal Nauki i Sztuki: “Neuronalny makrokosmos. Jak ludzki mózg konstruuje reprezentacje rzeczywistości?”, Poznań, Polska.
- 2012 Poznańska Konferencja Filozofii Nauk: „Neuronalny konstruktywizm.”, Poznań, Polska.
- 2011 Poznańskie Forum Kognitywistyczne: “Tunel Ego. Kilka uwag o podstawowych założeniach epistemologicznych koncepcji ‘Tunel Ego’ Thomasa Metzingera”, Poznań, Polska.
- 2011 Zlot Filozoficzny: “Biologiczne i kulturowe ograniczenia poznawcze. Kognitywistyczne spojrzenie na epistemologię ewolucyjną Konrada Lorenza”, Łódź, Polska.
- 2011 Czwarte Łódzkie Warsztaty Filozoficzne: „Aparat światoobrazu Konrada Lorenza. Neokantyzm w epistemologii ewolucyjnej.”, Łódź, Poland, Polska.
- 2010 VI Zlot Filozoficzny: „Jak memy wpływają na naszą percepcje?„, Łódź, Poland, Polska.
- From 2022 Member of a Steering Committee, “Eastern European Network for the Philosophy of Science”.
- From 2022 Member, “European Philosophy of Science Association”
- From 2022 Member, “Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice”
- From 2020 Member (from 2022 also a Chair of PSA DEI Neurodiversity Group), “Philosophy of Science Association”
- From 2020 Member, “British Society for the Philosophy of Science”
- 2024-2025 • Program Committee / Philosophy of Science Association “Around the World” Conference 2025
- 2023-2024 • Organizing Committee / The 5th Biennial Conference of The East European Network for Philosophy of Science / Poland
- 2023-2024 • Organizing Committee / Socially Engaged Science.
Perspectives from Political Economy, Philosophy and History of Science
& Science and Technology Studies (workshop) / Poland - 2023 • Area Chair (Philosophy) / European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness / Switzerland
- 2022 • Program Committee / British Society of the Philosophy of Science Annual Conference / Great Britain
- 2022 • Science Committee / Bioethics Meets Philosophy of Science / Poland
- od 2023 Governing Board Member of the Cognitive Neuroscience Center, AMU
- International Journal for Social Robotics
- Minds and Machines
- Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
- Diametros
- Filozofia Nauki
- Avant
- Introduction to Epistemology / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2018-2023)
- Introduction to Logic / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2018-2023)
- Naturalist epistemologies / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2018-2023)
- Introduction to Philosophy and Bioethics for PhD students / Institute of Human Genetics, Polish Academy of Science / Poland (2022)
- Introduction to Feminism / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2020)
- Bioethical Issues in Healthcare / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2021)
- Neuroethics / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2018)
- Ethics / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2018)
- Philosophy for Designers / School of Form, SWPS University / Poland (2012 – 2020)
- Introduction to Philosophy / School of Form, SWPS University / Poland (2012 – 2020)
- Philosophy in Design / Chongqing Technology and Business University / China (2017)
- Introduction to Philosophy / Chongqing Technology and Business University / China (2017)
- Introduction to Philosophy / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2011 – 2015, during PhD studies)
- Modern Philosophy / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2011 – 2015, during PhD studies)
- Social Philosophy / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2011 – 2015, during PhD studies)
- Epistemology / Adam Mickiewicz University / Poland (2011 – 2015, during PhD studies)
Supervision & Mentorship
- Supervision of student’s work at BA level – 5
- Supervision of student’s work at MA level – 1